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Schneier On Security

  • Compromising the Secure Boot Process
    July 26, 2024

    This isn’t good: On Thursday, researchers from security firm Binarly revealed that Secure Boot is completely compromised on more than 200 device models sold by Acer, Dell, Gigabyte, Intel, and Supermi …

  • The CrowdStrike Outage and Market-Driven Brittleness
    July 25, 2024

    Friday’s massive internet outage, caused by a mid-sized tech company called CrowdStrike, disrupted major airlines, hospitals, and banks. Nearly 7,000 flights were canceled. It took down 911 systems an …

  • Data Wallets Using the Solid Protocol
    July 25, 2024

    I am the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc., the company that is commercializing Tim Berners-Lee’s Solid open W3C standard for distributed data ownership. This week, we announced a digital …